Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I'm sort of a fan of the new Good Charlotte single. I'm going on a wing saying it's their new single, because I've heard it only very recently and the radio is the only place I could have heard it. I heard it in gym today though. =| Anyway, I listen to what amount to a Top 40 Radio Station in the morning, and as the hits have been more pop-punk, pop-rock (ish) recently, it's been a little more bearable. I kind of like the song though. It was stuck in my head like all morning though, just one line, which was sort of annoying.

Another good thing: Mayday Parade. They rock.

I love that I wake up to the radio, because more often than not it doesn't wake me up. The whole reason I listen to a Top 40 station is because if I listen to my local rock station it just doesn't wake me up. I tend to sleep through music I know. Generally the pop awfulness on 105.5 (what I wake to) wakes me up. Honestly, it's all catchy as hell.
And most of it I would cringe at if I heard it during the day.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


How I wish my town was a large city. If only every band I want to see would come here. I could have my mother drive me to the venue, drop me & friends off and if anything happened I'm already super close to home. Or I could go with Kara.

Why are the shows I want to go to always on Sundays?

Monday, January 28, 2008


You probably do not understand how overrated I find Paramore. They're not bad, some of their songs are catchy. Their newest video (Crushcrushcrush (more crushes?) sucks. And they have no lasting power really. You can't listen to them for a long time. Sorry all you people who love them. This time next year? Maybe not so much.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


What I'm about to write makes me want to giggle... here it goes.

Why Andy Horst (from This Providence) and Me would be BFFL:
- We both love coffee
- I enjoy bubble tea, but having it only once, I shall not yet declare my love for it
- He is a big fan of Jesus. As am I, as am I.
- I love music.
- The Beatles
- I love mountains, hiking and swimming too.
- I hate drugs too, obv. not over the same circumstances
- He likes dogs
- I like at least 75% of the music on the list on his myspace
- The History Channel and the Discovery Channel are the only things I watch (besides House)
- I enjoy clif bars, reeses, and vitamin water. And fruit roll-ups.
- I'm a This Providence fan.

There you have it, why we would be such excellent friends.
I'm such a loser. ;)

Monday, January 21, 2008

i'm loving

Mason Musso right now, fo' realz foo'. =]

Speaking of Metro Station (sort of, kind of) my cousin said that Blake was the only one who had so far shown the ability to grow a beard. [Basically because I pointed him out to her because he's awesome.] Love it.

you can hate me, after you pay me

LAWLZ. Seeing Cobra Starship made me love them so much more. It was excellent. I forgot my camera though, so I don't have any pictures. And I didn't get to see anyone, or take obnoxious pictures with them on my phone. But overall, dancing my ass off and shouting/singing to Metro Station and Cobra Starship was wicked spectacular.

I don't think enough people danced. It annoys me way too much, but even when Trace (I'm pretty sure it was Trace not Mason) said "This song is made for dance clubs so let's make this one" or something to that effect, not everyone was moving. I mean, I suck at dancing, but the music is killer for it. =P

Oh, and:
Next time I go to Boston, I want to see more sights.

This is what I now own:

I'm too lazy to take a picture of the shirt I got.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

you know what?

Kindness doesn't cost a thing.

Friday, January 11, 2008


I think I can't not enjoy youth. Sadly, it was a little weird today, because Jess wasn't there, and Kainoa was out. But Kara, JP, Cindy and I went to Starbucks, where we discussed faith and the book I'm reading, among other things. We didn't want to stay at the church, which is why we went to Starbucks. I wish there was one a little closer to home, but it's alright.

The book I'm reading right now is good. It's called The Last Season and it's really quite excellent, although I haven't finished it yet. It's rather sad though.

I was thinking about it today, and I haven't cried in a really long time. For me, anyways. At least, I can't remember having cried (like really cried) in quite a while. Weird. I get to like a breaking point, and then I get a weekend it seems. This next week is going to be tolling though. In the next 3 days, I have 3 swim meets. And then on Wednesday next week, exams start.

I'm a little worried, but I figure it will all work out.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I have decided that I enjoy the Decemberists quite thoroughly. They have grown on me. I only have the Crane Wife though, I don't know any of their older stuff.

But I suppose any band that is almost named after a Russian revolution (Decembrist not Decemberist) should be halfway decent. In honor of that, if I ever have a band I shall name us the Mensheviks. Just kiddinggg.

[edit: I suppose that truly to name my band after the revolution I would have to name it the Bolsheviks, but I'd rather be sort of obscure. I had definitely heard of the Bolsheviks before taking Modern Euro, but the Mensheviks? Not so much.]

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

history is important, i swear

Oh yeah, today my brother was doing work on his history class or something and he asked me if I had gotten my research paper back (no) and I asked him if he had gotten his (mini) one back (no) and what it was on (Francis Ferdinand). And so I ask him exactly what about Francis Ferdinand, and say just about all I know about the guy being like, so it basically said this?
I'm still not sure exactly what it was but my brother was like "How did you know that? I didn't know anything about him before I picked the topic..." Turns out, my brother would have known about Francis Ferdinand if the school had not reformed the middle school social studies curriculum. Oh I hate administration.
Then I tried to talk about WWI and my brother told me to shut up but much more nicely. And then he called history stupid. I tried to explain why history wasn't stupid (those who do not know the past are doomed to repeat it and so forth) but he didn't get it and I gave up.

Actually, this all started because my brother is learning about WWII and mentioned Operation Sea Lion... His live gamertag is asealion, and he was like "I wonder if people who know about it think I'm a nazi"... I voted for no, but who knows.


we fall with the rain

I think I'm going to work on getting back into the habit of writing a little every day. It really tends to help me sort out my emotions I think, and lately I've been pissy and awful to my parents for really no reason. And I feel bad but I'm just angry, so I don't feel bad until I think about it later. It's annoying.
I hate school work, and I just want this semester to be over. And it isn't really about not liking the classes, I just want to sleep. When I'm just going to hang out on the computer I probably should just go to bed. I need to work on sleeping more too. Seriously, 5-6 hours a night isn't cutting it. I never fall asleep before 11 I'm sure, and then my alarm goes off at 5:30, and I hit snooze until it's 6 and I need to get up. That's how it is.

Late new years resolutions I suppose. Better late than never, for this anyway. For most things... just don't bother at all.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

i'm listening to the decemberists

I don't know if I really like them. They're decent I suppose. I'm supposed to be doing notes for Modern Euro. Oh well. It's almost over, thankfully. =| I was in such a bad mood this morning, I'm pretty sure I glared/threw a dirty look at the car behind my dad's when he dropped me off at school. I was just so pissed off to be there. =/ The day wasn't too bad, relatively.

I went snowboarding this weekend, it was good. Lindsey came up to Pico with us, so that was fun. The snow was pretty good, well-groomed certainly. The upper mountain was decent too, sometimes it's all ice (though it was getting that way-so i heard). =]

and so we fall from the sky
wishing that we never cried
everything is failing
but we know where we are

and so i smile
and speak the truth
i've never known what to do
wishing on stars, hoping for a clue

memories, oh i wish you knew
every day is something new
i've found happiness is fleeting
and love is rarely true

someday we will laugh at ourselves
wondering what we thought we knew
but not wishing to change a thing
these are the thoughts the new year brings

Friday, January 04, 2008

today was

quite alright. Despite the fact that this is being posted at an hour which usually has me writing shitty depressing poems about crap that doesn't matter. I hate modern euro, still though.

My swim meet today was excellent, though! Even though I feel like I was trampled by some raging hippogriffs ;) my times were back where they should be! We lost by a point though. :( Oh well, better luck next time. Hopefully we'll get our swim team sweatpants in tomorrow, I'm so excited for them. =]

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

school is the bane of my existence.

Back to school.
Man, it sucks. h8 it.
But seriously, there are 8 days 'till exams.
What gives?
So how about I'm going to fail my Modern Euro exam.
Modern Euro makes me angry.
But after exams, Cobra Starship will save me (but not my soul).
i'm so br00+41, or rather, not at all. Zeros look like crap in this font.

How close is close enough?
I think I could listen to Taking Back Sunday for at least a month without getting sick of it. Maybe not.

----honestly, I sort of hate this.

And So The World Ended

We hide behind tired lies
Faces guarded behind tired eyes.
Every move a calculation
We know what we are facing.

There are clouds drifting through the sky,
Silently threatening rain.
Darkening the day
We fall with the rain.

Watch silently, the scripted actions.
Find the plot,
Each character with a name
A feeling you can’t explain.

Beyond knowing what is right and wrong
Feel the melody not the song
Every note drifts higher
Every note drifts lower.

We fall with the rain.
Ruins of a nation hold.
We live in desperation
There is no happy here.

Things so strained
How to explain
That things are not the same
We fall with the rain.

Hiding behind tired lies,
Faces guarded behind tired eyes
Clouds drift through the sky,
You feel sad, but don’t know why.

Silence in the words
And every verse a chord
Like drops falling down
We fall to the sound

And so the story goes
There was a great nation
And then the rain fell down
Find who survived.

We hide behind tired lies
Faces guarded behind tired eyes,
Clouds drift slowly by,
You feel sad, but you know why.

You feel sad. Do you know why?
You feel sad. Do you know why?
You feel sad. The clouds don’t lie.
You feel sad. We say good-bye.