Wednesday, January 09, 2008

we fall with the rain

I think I'm going to work on getting back into the habit of writing a little every day. It really tends to help me sort out my emotions I think, and lately I've been pissy and awful to my parents for really no reason. And I feel bad but I'm just angry, so I don't feel bad until I think about it later. It's annoying.
I hate school work, and I just want this semester to be over. And it isn't really about not liking the classes, I just want to sleep. When I'm just going to hang out on the computer I probably should just go to bed. I need to work on sleeping more too. Seriously, 5-6 hours a night isn't cutting it. I never fall asleep before 11 I'm sure, and then my alarm goes off at 5:30, and I hit snooze until it's 6 and I need to get up. That's how it is.

Late new years resolutions I suppose. Better late than never, for this anyway. For most things... just don't bother at all.

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