Tuesday, February 20, 2007

what's up with you?

The band Cute is What We Aim For is pretty sweet. I think so. So should you. Unless you don't want to, I respect that decision.

They're all pretty cute. The lead singer Shaant Hacikyan (interesting fact: Shaant's last name is not mentioned once in their "stats" on their website, as far as I can tell, and it needs to be updated because they got a new bassist) is too. But, B♥U♥T♥, not to dis him, but his hair is styled a little weird. It doesn't look that bad, but it intrigues me as to how his hair stays the way it looks (I think the answer is it doesn't, but I'm wrong sometimes).

Anyway, that's the end of my tangent. woo, tangent.
[i love katamari damacy and anyone who knows why that's at all relevant is my hero]

listening to (still): fear before the march of flames, the always open mouth, ...As a Result of Signals Being Crossed

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