Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I'm having a lovely time avoiding english homework. Who really wants to write introductions to essays involving the psychological aspects of The Catcher in the Rye? Not me. So I'm not. I also have a trial to prepare for though, and should be doing that, but it's not that important, so I'm not.

my new love: Ever
go to: www.myspace.com/everandeverandever

pure awesomeness.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

thinking sucks

I can't deal with life. I'm stressed, and school starts again with vacation's end tomorrow. Which is bad x2309482390423 (or more). It's supposed to snow, so I'm happy even if we have school, but I've been thinking too much. I'm really good at over-analyzing what people say, and my own thoughts. It sucks. A lot.

anna molly by incubus


Friday, February 23, 2007


Do you realize that as animals, humans are not fighters? If we didn't have opposable thumbs and make weapons, we would all be dead. Well, maybe not, but our general survival rate would be much lower. It's weird to think about how inequipped we are to fight most animals with merely our bare hands. =O

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


To comment a little late on a pop culture event:

Britney shaved her head! (gasp!)
Anyone who isn't living under a rock should know this. My friend told me (along with telling me of Stephen Colbert's new ice cream) and it's just sad. She looked better with hair.

I was considering shaving my head. But right at the beginning of summer, so if I didn't like it I could hide in my house until my hair grew back a little. Also, by the time school came around I could have a sweet little afro (curly hair!). I'm giving the idea a lot of time though, so no rash decisions, which is certainly what Ms. Spears did.

Oh, I cannot wait to try the new Ben & Jerry's ice cream, Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream. Sweet. (no pun intended)

Listening to: Deckchairs and Cigarettes, The Thrills-So Much for the City

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

what's up with you?

The band Cute is What We Aim For is pretty sweet. I think so. So should you. Unless you don't want to, I respect that decision.

They're all pretty cute. The lead singer Shaant Hacikyan (interesting fact: Shaant's last name is not mentioned once in their "stats" on their website, as far as I can tell, and it needs to be updated because they got a new bassist) is too. But, B♥U♥T♥, not to dis him, but his hair is styled a little weird. It doesn't look that bad, but it intrigues me as to how his hair stays the way it looks (I think the answer is it doesn't, but I'm wrong sometimes).

Anyway, that's the end of my tangent. woo, tangent.
[i love katamari damacy and anyone who knows why that's at all relevant is my hero]

listening to (still): fear before the march of flames, the always open mouth, ...As a Result of Signals Being Crossed

oh vacation

bored bored bored

you can't say no
i love fear before the march of flames

art damage is my least fav though. i like odd how people shake. and the always open mouth [but i haven't listened to it nearly enough].

so i could be sleeping. but i also could have started my english essay on monday. yeah, no thanks. =] i went snowboarding today. it was good but the snow sucks at wachusett(s?) because it's like all manmade. it was super warm too. i think i'm against capital letters. it's easy to write them but I only hit shift sometimes on the computer. anyway, this skier ran over the front of my board, causing me to fall and do like a somersault. =((( it was really annoying because it wasn't like i had cut him off or anything. honestly, he came from behind and it was his job to avoid me; if i took him by surprise he wasn't paying attention. =0 it bugs me.

and tomorrow is wednesday. which means...half-way through vacation? almost. so that's no fun. but hopefully i can go and have lunch or something with my cousin leslie on sunday, which requires having done my essay on the catcher in the rye (and psychological aspects of it, among other things). so if i'm done, that will be good. i guess this week is turning out good, but it sucks to have swim practice at 2:30 every day. I wouldn't have it if states hadn't been postponed. =(


p.s. no hablo espagnol

Friday, February 16, 2007

road block

eloquent and inconsiderate
apologies without forgiveness
this will not be right again

innocent and naive
the past was so carefree
disconsolate and jaded
it's no longer the same story


I wish I could write something so sincere that people would weep upon reading it and see the truth in the words. I hate funerals. And the word meticulous.

Friday, February 02, 2007


(written for english, inspired by Allen Ginsberg and the Providence Journal)


America, where are we going?
Are you sure you don’t want a map?
Are you sure that you have a plan?
Oh, stay the course. Stay the course.

Perhaps it is “a time for ‘sacrifices’”
We’ve been left to our own devices for far too long,
Do you know all that’s been going on?

America, have you heard all the inconvenient truths?
There are horrible stories on the news
America, are they true?

In Massachusetts “private schools exempted in searches”
America, will you protect fourth amendment rights?
Are you going to stop “eco-terrorists”?
Are you going to spread democracy to the entire world?

America, you’re driving too fast!
We passed the speed limit miles ago,
It’s 65 and you’re going 180 miles per hour
On this two-lane highway
Would you please slow down?
Oh, “hope is not a strategy”

There’s a war on terror America,
Have you heard? About fighting terrorists and spreading democracy?
America you’re trying to create miracles, trying to be like a godsend.
Is the word godsend allowed in public schools?

America where’s respect?
Did I miss its funeral?
America, have you seen the debts?
The numbers are getting higher every second.
Is there anything you can do?

America, are we there yet?
Are we going to make it to the future?
America, can we get out of the past?
Can this war be different?

America I’ll try to stay with you,
But if you ever need a map,
Don’t be afraid to ask for a few directions.

It was fun, and I like how my poem turned out. =]