Thursday, July 21, 2005


Not much has been happening...just hanging around. I haven't done much this summer. I just got back from swim camp today. It was pretty good. I think I liked last year a bit better but whatever. My cousin is here, and going to a soccer camp with my brother. We're going to the AC Milan, Chelsea FC game on Sunday, so that should be fun. I'm pretty bored...but it doesn't matter cause I'm so tired.
Swim camp was tiring, but it wasn't bad. It could have been so much worse. Overall it was pretty good. There were a lot of little kids though.
I read the sixth Harry Potter book the day it came out. The ending really depressed me. I mean, I hated Snape and all that, but really...I thought he was on their side. Oh well. I want to know who R.A.B. is. I think I might know, but it's unlikely I'm right.


-Sarah J

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