Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Could You Repeat That?

I swear, people these days want to kill their eardrums. I was with my cousin listening to her iPod and she has the volume turned up so loud that the people around us could hear it. I told her that it was really loud and she listened to it and said that it wasn't loud at all.

I, of course, insisted that it was, so she asked me, "Have you ever been to a concert?" And I haven't. (But I still have a good 17 years, at least, before I become too old for that.) I guess that it might not be loud compared to a concert, but have you ever seen iPod headphones? They're right inside your ear. I've never seen the need to drown out all other sounds, if you must do that, noise-canceling headphones work. Seriously, things like that catch up to you. Like working for a decade at a club that has live bands every week or so. That is extremely bad for your hearing.

I've never gotten how everyone my age absolutely blasts their music. I know someone who managed to blow the speakers out of their iPod headphones in a month. I'm afraid I'm a bit of a hypocrite their, because the headphones of my iPod have pretty much ceased to function, but I think it's from just wear-and-tear more than anything else. I just don't see the need to blast music as loud as it can go, surely people's hearing can't be that bad, but those people will be the people who say, "Could you repeat that?" most often.

That's the end of this rant- Have a nice day!

-Sarah J

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