Sunday, November 30, 2008


There was one disappointment to my Thanksgiving. Every year we light Lazzaroni Amaretti cookie wrappers on fire and watch them float towards the ceiling. This year however, the wrappers did not fly. It was an outrage. We basically decided that they [the Lazzaroni company] changed the wrapper so the potential hazard of the floating wrapper was no more. Hopefully we just got a bad batch though, and the next time we try success will happen!

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Was fantastic, as usual. I went up to Maine, to my aunt's house. Every thanksgiving it's my family, my Aunt Linda's family and my Aunt Suse's family. My Aunt Linda's kids fall right in order with my family, my cousin Jess is a year older than me and my cousin Sam is a year younger (actually, he's only 3 months younger than me but is in a different grade). Sam and my brother hang out and Jess and I stick together. Then my cousin's Maris and Leslie are awesome too; Maris' boyfriend Joe was also there, and he is also pretty fabulous (see this).

There was plenty of delicious food and some hilarious games of Scattergories. We (my mom, Aunt Suse, Leslie and I) walked to the lake after dinner, basically in the dark and that was super. This year we had like a 4 hour break between dinner and dessert, which I liked. I have a bunch of pictures I need to upload now though, so hopefully that will happen. I also hope to see some of the stop-action madness that happened on Maris and Joe's camera!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


is so fantastic!

=] =] =] love her.

i'm so souped for thanksgiving. maine is one of my favorite places. and i'm pretty sure there will be snow!

Monday, November 24, 2008

i've decided

that even though Robert Pattison wear's his hair sort of awfully a fair amount of the time, he's reasonably good looking. ha.


Sunday, November 16, 2008


so that's the one side of a rubix cube i can complete before being unable to do anything else. but whatever.

i got accepted into college! yes! i got a super fast reply from the university of vermont. so i know, at the very least and assuming i pass all of my classes, i will have somewhere to go to school next year. :D

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

today was alright

I went to the first swim practice of the season. I forget how much I like the sport during the off-season. I've been putting it off and I don't know why.

I'm excited that Obama was elected. It gives me hope for this country. My one friend was really negative about the whole thing, like, "it doesn't matter who won because nothing will be done." I just think that's the wrong attitude to have. No one's perfect, we don't have superheroes. We can have hope. We have to have hope. Why live in America without it? We are given a chance to choose. And even if you don't like either of the choices, there is always a lesser evil, no matter what. I don't believe that there isn't. So what if they can't manage all they've promised to do? Who can? Who does?

On one side it seems reasonable to hold Presidents to a higher standard than other people, but truly they're only human. It's human to make mistakes. It's human to be unable to complete everything. They aren't superhuman.

Another friend of mine said, "I hope Obama's a good president. I hope I'm not disappointed." I think this is a better view. To have hope for the future. To have a bit of confidence in who is leading the country. I don't know what else you can have.

Sunday, November 02, 2008


Is going surprisingly well, thankfully.
I mean, I'm starting 2nd quarter tomorrow! 1/4 of senior year done!
It's so crazy. We had our Halloween dance yesterday and it was pretty fantastic. I've got 3 applications done. I'm going to submit my URI one today, but my guidance counselor is on her honeymoon, so my transcript and other stuff won't be sent out for a little while. Oh well. I need to start on my Columbia application. Since I care about that a lot. I'm debating on whether to have an interview at Brown. I like it, but the reasons I like it are more location based than anything else. Though the make your own academic plan deal is kind of cool. I don't know yet.