Thursday, October 05, 2006

ehm. idk.

i can tell you that those words
were as unexpected as a car crash
with a drunkard at the wheel
that's always how it feels
whenever you decide to tell me
what you think i need to hear
it's always what i expect you to say
that's never changed
it's monotonous and innocent
you never seem to notice
but whenever you start talking
i feel like sliting my own throat

just to get away from you.
it's always the same words
different phrases different ways
you never know what to say
there's nothing to say

it's gone on for so long
and i've tolerated it
but these talks have got to end
and i'm sick of this
so just walk away find someone else
to preach to
your words have no meaning
and i've heard it again and again
it's unpredictable and terribly old
so darling just do as your told
shut up, turn your back, and leave-
walk away from me

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