Wednesday, October 29, 2008


We had a mock election today in school that somehow we convinced our teacher to let us do. So an AP Calc class conducted a mock presidential election. Weird?

It pisses me off that some people didn't vote because they were like "None of the candidates are capable." They're totally the same people who will complain about who was elected. If you don't vote you lose that right. If you didn't try to influence who was elected, you can't complain about what happened. That's such crap too. Who is capable? Really, tell me, because I'd love to know. The U.S. is such a complex country that I really think it is tough to define who would be best to run it, so if you really like neither candidate, go with the lesser evil. Vote for who agrees with you. That's why we have Congress, so people can't go and enact radical laws.

Besides that though, can I quit life? Senior year sucks.

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