Thursday, May 15, 2008

how how how

there's so much i could talk about.
how i have scrapes from going down a tube slide at high speeds.
how i now own a tie dye shirt that is completely awesome.
how my friend and i were pretty much ditched,
had another friend drive forever basically to bring us home,
and then had an awesome time.
how i played frisbee barefoot for the first time,
and worried about glass in the park
and stood still looking for an open safety pin on the ground
how i threw a rock at my friend with my foot
because he was throwing rocks in my general direction.
(i hit him though).
how all my teachers decide now is a good time to assign things.
how i am going to fail english. ma quello e` non vero.
how i wish i knew more italian.
how i am said that i am probably going to miss seeing one of my best friends graduate
but am incredibly excited to go to costa rica.
how i sort of failed at sailing today
but we won and had our first home match
how this kid ate the brownie i was specifically saving for myself
how i am so stressed
but feel incredibly content in writing all this
how i never do my homework
and subsequently am going to fail english.
how i have to research literature using martyrs and revolutionists
(when i really wanted to study afghanistan's history)
how i really wish i knew where i was going in life.
how ridiculous this list is.
how i'm learning how to play guitar, sort of.

quello e` tutti del lo. il mio italiano e` cattivo, mi dispiace.
that is all of it.

when i checked that in google translate to make sure it made a little sense, it told me that "il mio italiano e` cattivo" meant "my english is bad". yet when i translate "my italian is bad" from english to italian, it totally give me what i wrote. lame.

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