Saturday, May 31, 2008


I was thinking about it, and one time I had a dream that I was going to play bass for Duran Duran. And I was going to travel to Europe by car.

So maybe the other dream isn't so strange? Just way more symbolic, I suppose.

Friday, May 30, 2008

i had a dream

This was on Wednesday night/morning, just before I woke up, at 4:53, before my alarm. It was strange. There is no time frame. I am incredibly vague about some points, because I honestly am not sure whether the facts just made sense when I was thinking about it. Anyway, here it goes...

There was a balance beam, of that I am sure. It was like a birch tree, suspended 30 feet in the air (it was horizontal, obviously). I was walking on it, one foot in front of another. There were others there. The two I think were there were Lindsey and Lucas (a pair of twins that go to my school, I am not too well-acquainted with either, though Lucas is in my english class). I think Lindsey was in front of me and Lucas was behind, but I am not so sure. The figure I think was Lindsey fell (or someone fell), and someone yelled (Lucas?). And then there was an avalanche.

I missed this before. The birch was above a mountain, and to either side were spruce and pines, but I was above them. Maybe it was more than 30 feet. And somehow, for balance, I was holding onto tree branches that were sticking out towards me as I was walking. but after the avalanche, it becomes less clear. I remember the snow hurling down the mountain towards me, but below me. Then worrying about who had fallen, worrying about everything.

Then there were more people. And a white wall, it was huge. There was some sort of adult figure. Everyone was mad at me. But I don't know why. I don't think I understood in the dream either. I just knew I was wrong, and they had reasons, I think. At some point, possibly before the anger, I saw Kenny lurking/walking around, near the edge of the wall. I did not speak to him, but this is one part of the dream I am sure of.

Then, and this is a possibility, I may have talked to Graichen. I was by myself and someone came up to me, I think it was him. We talked, he was more exasperated than angry and I think he called me an idiot, But this I am not so sure of. But then I was going to sleep outside (which is weird, was I inside then, next to a massive white wall? Everything was white), and J.P. was like, "It's alright Sarah, I'll come with you." So for some inane reason I had to brush my teeth, so I go to the bathroom, and we know the light is out, so J.P. comes in with this massive light bulb, not incandescent or anything, just about 9 inches tall. He proceeds to try to replace the lightbulb, in a room that is inexplicably well lit. The bulb breaks though, J.P. dropped it. But "It's alright," I say, "I'll use the other bathroom." So I leave that one and walk to the next room over, which contains a bathroom that was strangely familiar yet I can no longer place. And then I woke up.

Possibly the strangest dream I have ever had. I don't understand it. So many of the details are incredibly unclear. I don't think I make much sense in the telling of it. Sorry.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


If I ever have kids, they are going to be up to date on their vaccinations. No ifs, ands or buts about it. I think it is illogical to not vaccinate your child if there is no medical reason not to do so. Who knows where they will go and what they will be doing in the future? Who knows if a neighbors kid (or the neighbor) is going to come back with some disease that you happened to not get your child vaccinated for because you thought vaccinations would give them autism? (Which, there is not a proven link to and the theory was brought to the public by a statement that was unproved at the time and roughly quoting Time Magazine "retracted by 10 of the 12 people who made it". I think, because I left the magazine downstairs. Also, mercury in vaccinations was once thought of as a cause (and still is?) but mercury was taken out of all but the flu vaccination and autism levels have not dropped.) End of story: vaccinate (or die)!

I don't really have a strong opinion on chicken pox vaccinations, because it won't kill you. But personally (as a teenager), I am very happy never to have had it and hopefully to never have it, because I was (dun dun dun!) vaccinated! (gasp).

Anyway, I read the cover story of this weeks time and it just made me angry. Because if there is a way to prevent a child from being sick, even if the likelihood of the child contracting the disease is incredibly low, it doesn't make sense to me not to use that solution.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

how how how

there's so much i could talk about.
how i have scrapes from going down a tube slide at high speeds.
how i now own a tie dye shirt that is completely awesome.
how my friend and i were pretty much ditched,
had another friend drive forever basically to bring us home,
and then had an awesome time.
how i played frisbee barefoot for the first time,
and worried about glass in the park
and stood still looking for an open safety pin on the ground
how i threw a rock at my friend with my foot
because he was throwing rocks in my general direction.
(i hit him though).
how all my teachers decide now is a good time to assign things.
how i am going to fail english. ma quello e` non vero.
how i wish i knew more italian.
how i am said that i am probably going to miss seeing one of my best friends graduate
but am incredibly excited to go to costa rica.
how i sort of failed at sailing today
but we won and had our first home match
how this kid ate the brownie i was specifically saving for myself
how i am so stressed
but feel incredibly content in writing all this
how i never do my homework
and subsequently am going to fail english.
how i have to research literature using martyrs and revolutionists
(when i really wanted to study afghanistan's history)
how i really wish i knew where i was going in life.
how ridiculous this list is.
how i'm learning how to play guitar, sort of.

quello e` tutti del lo. il mio italiano e` cattivo, mi dispiace.
that is all of it.

when i checked that in google translate to make sure it made a little sense, it told me that "il mio italiano e` cattivo" meant "my english is bad". yet when i translate "my italian is bad" from english to italian, it totally give me what i wrote. lame.