Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Potential = Society?

In English about a week ago, we had to take a prompt and write about it for 25 minutes. It was in preparation for the SATs. So the prompt was: Society can limit one's potential. Explain why this statement is an inevitable choice or an obstacle that can be overcome. (Or something very close to that). I chose that it could be overcome, I mean, look at Martin Luther King Jr., or those other people that did well.
Maybe, though, I chose the wrong people to focus on, what about the other people who never reach their full potential? The people for who society is inevitable and can't be overcome? I don't know, but my friend Mike wrote it from the other perspective. In his, society was representing the government. He talked about the small businesses in my town, and how it was hard for them to expand, because all of the red tape it would take them to get through. He knew a business owner who wanted to expand into the state next to us, but because of the time and money needed to do that, he was unable to. The government really does hold people down. But so does the press, so do the people. Think of the people with new ideas, think of Galileo; he was put under house arrest. And he was right. It really is debatable. Personally, I think it depends, if you have the urge to succeed, the need to make something of yourself, you will, you won't listen to society. Unfortunately, if you just want to let everything happen around you and hope stuff works out for the best, no, awesome stuff probably won't happen to you. I really couldn't say though, I haven't decided whether I believe in destiny or not.

So it's for you to decide: Can people reach their potential and overcome society? Or is society the inevitable; something that cannot be conquered?


I'm going to put a in poem I wrote in like 5 seconds during English because it came to me.

...:::No One Knows:::...

You think you know a lot,
And you think you're oh-so-hot,
But whether you are or not,
No one knows.

And you say you never fail,
But you never tell your tales,
You've never gotten revenge,
But no one knows.

Once you had to be led,
Twice you've lost your head,
The third time's a charm,
And no one knows.


Say what you think because I could care less, I mainly like the "oh-so-hot" line. So say what you want.

<3 Sarah J

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Okay. I don't really have anything to write. I just thought that this would be a good thing to do while trying to make myself go on a run. The new iMac is awesome. It's definitely what I would get if I had enough money. But I don't. So I have a powermac G4 with a crappy monitor. Yippee. I'm listening to OK Go. My new favorite song is "You're So Damn Hot", which is the headline for my myspace (

My birthday is November 13. Less than a month from now. =] That's happy. I can't wait for Thanksgiving though because I'm going to see my cousins then, which is one of my favorite things. I guess not much is really going on. My school is having a back-to-school dance this Saturday. Which is just a little bit late for back-to-school, but they probably want it near Halloween. I'm not going. I don't have much school spirit except for the sports I participate in. Football is a big thing where I live, we have the oldest high school football rivalry or something. Or the oldest interstate football rivalry. We have a Turkey Day game. I've never been, I'm never home on Thanksgiving really.

Know what one of my favorite books is? America (the Book) by the Daily Show (or whoever wrote it, whatever). It's wicked funny. If I was that funny that would be fun. I think you need to be a bit older than me to hone that skill though. So whatever. Comedy's not really my thing. I like science, and math. Even though sometimes I do better in English. I just don't get it. I don't like English (Language Arts, whatever)...I think its because I as bad at it for all of my life except last year. There is definitely something weird about it, but I don't spend my time thinking about why I can suddenly write decent essays. Maybe it was the teacher.

I've procrastinated running for long enough. So now I'm going to go. I wouldn't expect another update to soon if you see this and like it (fat chance of that...haha).

-Sarah J